22 June 2022

Throughout the 1st QTR of 2022 our graphic designers and software engineers have continued their work in creating a brand new patient experience for patients accessing their health records. The all new ViewMyHealthRecords patient portal will be completely redesigned and focus on making the navigation for our users the very best in healthcare. The current ViewMyHealthRecords patient portal is simple to use and navigate compared to other cumbersome patient portals in the market place. Our goal is to make the patient portal experience with even better so that any patient is able to navigate with ease. Whether you’re viewing your latest visit and progress note, vitals, lab results or current medications, our team is working to ensure total user satisfaction.

Below are some features that will be released with the new software:

  • New graphics and navigational menus
  • New Message Page that will focus exclusively on displaying the current and previous messages between you and your healthcare provider
  • New Patient Communicator Page to simplify creating and sending messages to your healthcare provider
  • New Documents Page detailing all the PDF documents stored in your electronic health record. The patient has the option of viewing and or downloading the documents in their health records.
  • New User Activity Log Page that will display the dates and times that the user/patient has accessed their health data
  • New Appointment Page that will display upcoming and previous patient appointments
  • Ability to search and book new appointments (search by a specific day, mornings or afternoons, provider and location)
  • New Page designed for patient to review and pay their balance online

The new patient portal is forecasted to be released in the 4th QTR of 2022. Our teams have invested a great amount of time in 2021 and 2022 to bring the new technology to market. Once released, a users current login (email) and password will work with the new release. If you are a healthcare provider, clinic or hospital interested in automating access to your patient’s health records in a secure environment, then please click the following link and a representative will contact you. technology is used by healthcare providers throughout the U.S. and internationally to provide secure patient access to their patients’ health records.

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